How to Prevent Scaffolding Accidents
Building sites are known to be one of the most hazardous places to work, but within the site, scaffolding would have to be the most dangerous area, simply due to its very nature of being up high with narrow walkways that often have to be traversed with heavy loads. It is to everyone’s benefit that scaffolding accidents be prevented. The worker will certainly benefit, while the employer will save time and costs in keeping employees accident free. Many scaffolding accidents can be prevented by using common sense. For instance, the walkways should be kept free of debris, equipment and materials so that access is safer. Tripping over or having to step over rubbish is always going to cause problems. Cleanliness on the site is also important. If oil or grease is spilt anywhere on the building site and it gets trodden in, then it will be carried on workboots into other places such as the scaffolding. If the walkways get oil on them, they will become very slippery and dangerous to all who have to work there.