Entries open for steel industry safety award
THE Australian Steel Institute (ASI) has opened entries for its National Occupational Health and Safety Excellence Award 2008.
The award is open to members across the Australian steel industry. Nominations for individuals up to big industry players can be entered.
According to the award organisers, it is an initiative from the ASI to recognise steel industry companies and individuals for high achievements in health and safety, regardless of size.
The awards are offered in the three categories if Site, Individual and Improvement Initiative. The winners will be presented at the Australian Steel Convention during September 2008 in Perth.
The organisers claim entry requirements are straight forward, requiring submissions to be below four pages long. Most steel related businesses that record Lost Time due to Injury incidents should be eligible to enter. The entries must identify the site, factory or department of the company involved in steel manufacture, steel processing, distribution or fabrication and demonstrate a strong commitment to improving health and safety.
Site Award submissions must include LTI performance records for the past three years to June 2007, lead indicator performance information, and a brief explanation of what the business has done to improve its health and safety performance in that period.
Individual Award submission must describe why the nominated person should be considered for the award and list the contributions of the individual over recent years.
Improvement Initiative Award entries must describe the initiative and why it should be considered for recognition, list the process undertaken, the people involved and the deliverables of the initiative.