7 Landscaping Techniques You Can Use To Emulate Professional Landscape Designers
If you are planning an overhaul of your garden which includes new landscaping, there are many approaches you can take concerning some of the design principles you include in your plans. This is why professional landscapers are so sought after because they have a myriad of landscaping design ideas that can be used to create the perfect garden layout.
Some of the concepts which landscapers use are not normally known by those who employ them until they start discussing some options. These conversations often start with a queried look on the face of the householder, followed by a gradual change to the realisation of the design concept and a large smile at the end when they start imagining how awesome it is going to look.
To give an insight into some of the landscaping design techniques we are talking about, we have outlined 7 of them for you.
Borrowing The Scenery Beyond
This is a landscaping concept that is reported to have originated in Japan, but regardless of its origin, it is a highly effective means of creating interesting viewpoints within your garden. It involves taking advantage of scenery or buildings that are out with the confines of your garden and using them as backdrops for features that are. This could be a white building behind your tree’s branches, or a hill behind a bench. The options are almost limitless.
Waterless Channels And Pools
This is a landscaping technique that involves using pathways and walkways and shaping them so that they feel like they are flowing towards a specific point. These ‘channels’ should lead towards a ‘pool’ which in reality might be a paved area with a bench or a specific feature. The concept relies on the fact that people instinctively will follow these waterless channels and gravitate towards the area just as water flows into a pool.
Sweeping Curves
A simple one to understand and one which, if done correctly, can produce a stunning main feature within your landscaping design. You create a huge curve within your garden and fill that curve with plants that produce a kaleidoscope of different colours, or plants of two colours that contrast brilliantly, such as red and white.
Hide And Reveal
People love a mystery, and they also love finding the answers to mysteries, so you can use that to create an excellent effect within your landscaping. To achieve this you create areas within your garden that are out of sight, but which also seem reachable. One idea is a pathway that has lots of plants overhanding it and obscuring the paving stones. People will want to see where the path leads and will follow it. Angled walkways or steps up to a sunken feature also work well.
Long, Straight Views
In contrast, to hide and reveal, this technique means a feature within your landscaping that is completely open. It works best in larger gardens and involves having long, straight features such as a walkway or path that leads to a specific feature or an area with plants. As they walk along visitors also get to see a long line of flowers, bushes or shrubs which have been planted on either side.
Triple Vision
With this landscaping design concept the visual effect you are trying to create is that when a person is looking at it, they are seeing three different levels, which are the foreground, the middle ground, and the background. An example of this could be rosebushes closest to them (foreground), then some steps (middle ground), which lead up to a bench (background). It creates depth and an impression that the area is larger than it is.
Irresistible Vantage Points
If you are lucky enough to live near some amazing scenery which can be seen from specific points in your garden, then this technique can be sued. What you do is create obvious vantage points within your garden where incredible views can be seen. This might mean sitting on a bench whilst looking down at the sea, or a small clearing where you can see natural features such as a hill or a river.